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Question: Simon Wiesenthal autobiographies!.!.!?
I am researching about Simon Wiesenthal for a project!.!.!.

but my teacher said there is an autobiography about him and is "Butterfly something"

does anyone know what it is!? because I dont think there is any!.!. or a book like that !.!.

also if you can answer this too!.!.!. where are the primary sources in the Simon Wiesenthal center!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Above is the link to the Center

Above is a site for his biography!.


Above is a list of his books!. Don't see anything about a butterfly!. I couldn't find an autobiography either!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I could find only three autobiographies by Simon Wiesenthal born Szymon (Simon) Wiesenthal on December 31, 1908!. The first was "The Murderers Among Us", first published in 1967!.
The second was "Justice Not Vengeance: Recollections" published in 1989 and written when Wiesenthal was 80!.
The third is "The Sunflower: On the Possibilities and Limits of Forgiveness" published in 1990 in honour of the 20th anniversary of his autobiography "The Sunflower" (1970)!. Perhaps this is the one your teacher recommended!.
This is the readers guide to "The Sunflower!.!.!."

There is speculation that because of Wiesenthal's conflicting responses about his wartime years, he may has been a collaborator or worse!.

For easy to read information about the Simon Wiesenthal Center try this site!.

There are biographies of Simon Wiesenthal!.
Try www!.ushmm!.org or yadvashem!.org or the Simon Wiesenthal Center!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sorry but I can't find any autobiography!.Www@QuestionHome@Com