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Position:Home>History> Where did the egyptians originate from?

Question: Where did the egyptians originate from!?
From most counries, you can tell where the people were originated from!. But since the Egyptians were conquered by a lot of people where are they originated from!? Africans!? Arabs!? French!? Roman!? Greek!? What is the main ancestry of the Egyptians!.!.other than ancient egyptian!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Much like you mentioned in your question, the Egyptians were at a crossroads where many different groups and cultures merged over time!. The ancient Egyptians were most likely a cross between Hamitic and Semitic peoples, with possibly a blend of the Nubian peoples from the south!.

After the Islamic invasions, the population would have been much more saturated with Arabs and other semitic peoples!. Caucasian Romans, Greeks, ect!.!. played only a minor role in the "origins" of modern Egyptians if any at all!.

Egypt has always been a bottleneck for migrations of Hamitic peoples from north-west Africa and Semitic peoples from the near East!. If you want to go back to the dawn of man then, yes one could add that the very first to march into Egypt would have been from south-East Africa, but that far back is also the origin of everyone else too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The answer is debatable, as even though the Egyptians kept fantastic records, they do get thinner towards their earliest civilisation!.

What is certain is that a majority of the ones conquered by Ceaser were from the 'south'!.

As the Egyptian empire by that stage had united two smaller kingdoms (upper and lower Nile), the records mainly depicted the higher classes and nobility !.

The alternative theory is quite fanciful, but equally has recorded references in the southern part of the continent!.

There are references to 'sky people' who 'looked like lizards' and created humans to be their servants!. Long interlude, then those who 'escaped' managed to get to the north of the continent and hide by spreading out across the world!.

The National Geographic is running a DNA tracking experiment which has pulled the migration of everyone to southern Africa and seven 'original' women!.

Look at the National Geographic site for more info on the migration!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In 6th millenum B!.C!.they moved to the Nile banks from Sahara!. Previously it had been a blooming region and then it turned to desert and they were forced to move!.
Ethnically they were pretty close to Semites (modern Arabs and Jews), but not the same!. Then they mixed a bit with black African (Ethiopian, for example) population!.
They didn't borrow there culture from Greece!. All way around, Egypt is much older!. If you look at Archaic Greek sculptures - they really remind of Egyptian!.

As to the modern Egyptions - they're strongly influenced both culturally and ethnically by Arabs from Near East, I believe!.That were the conquerors who mixed the most with local population!. Greeks prefered to stay with themselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Originally Africa, but over the years there has been a Roman Empire influence, a French & British Empire influence on them!.

A lot of them were taken through the Stargate tho'!?!?!?!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

They Came From The Greek Culture Im A History Nerd Im 16 And Been To Egypt The Cultures Were So Alike that they believe that the egyptians went off the Greek CultureWww@QuestionHome@Com

The grandchild of Noah!.!.!.!.Hams son Mizraim!. Mizraim is the Biblical name for Egypt!.
The ark is believed to have come to rest on Mount Ararat, which is in Turkey!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well everyone came from Africa!.!.!.so that's where the Egyptians originated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

african!. look at the ancient hieroglyphics!. the people were blackWww@QuestionHome@Com

east coast of south africaWww@QuestionHome@Com
