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Position:Home>History> What change did marhin luther king make?

Question: What change did marhin luther king make!?
please tell meWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
He helped a very popular movement called passive resistance (Matandhi Gandhi created it MLK just popularised it)!. He made great and powerful speeches that told all people not just blacks not to be angry at mistreatment at the hands of others but to resist without violence!. He was instrumental in getting laws changed to accompany for blacks and so they were welcomed as one!. But unfortunately his dream that all people will sit at the 'Table of Brotherhood' as one still is unfinshed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not much, if you consider the LA/Rodney King riots a reflection of the extent (or lack of) his real contributions!.

Like any other movement, speeches are one thing but if its followers still behave like savages, I kind of lose sight of his message and worry about walking my own streets!. Pretty pathetic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ur kidding!?!?

he is one of the many people who helped blacks get their rights!. he made boycots and made amazing speechs including " i have a dream" speech telling about how he wishes everyone would just treat them equally!. he led rallies and everything!.
then he was assasinated in his sleep after one of his speeches!.

He is amazing!.

hope this helps?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Think of Civil Rights and you have to think of Dr!. Martin Luther King, Jr!. His approach was non-violent protest!. His fight for civil rights for African Americans has now morphed into civil rights for any group of people that may be oppressed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

more than a few but the main one for me: was to prove that agressivity is not the only way to fight and win your battles!.Www@QuestionHome@Com