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Position:Home>History> Importance of each historic events?

Question: Importance of each historic events!?
How is each important to (Russia and the global village (world))!.
1!. Fall of Communism
2!. Bloody Sunday (1905)
3!. Cold War
4!. WW1
5!. WW2
6!. Yuri Gagarin
7!. Berlin Wall
8!. Collectivization and Industrialization
9!. Cuban Missile Crisis
10!. Russian Revolution of 1917
11!. Sputnik 1
12!. Russian Civil WarWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
2 Bloody Sunday showed the Russian people that Csars could not be trusted!. This was because the Csar guards fired on unarmed protestors
3 Russia was showing the world there power in nuclear war fair and economics!.
4 Russian pesants were being slaughtered on the front line because the Csars were arming them with no equipment so it further showed that the Csars could not be trusted and didn't give a dam about them
5 World war 2 made russia unified!. It made them proud of there accomplishment in winning the war but there was a high cost
7 Was the final straw to show that the USSR was destroyed
and that communism had ended!.
9 Almost started a world war 3 with the US against the USSR
10 The people were fed up with the Csars so they over threw them!. Later some of the Russians wanted the Csars back so they formed the whites!. They lost and Russia was made into the USSR
11 Sputnik proved that the USSR could beat the US!. It also proved that since the USSR could put a satellite above the US's head they could also put a nuclear weapon above them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

all of those things have changed the the russia and the world!. try to research those things because those things (and the person) is famous in history!. you will not find any difficulty in searching so try to search it!. don't be lazy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com