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Position:Home>History> Why didn't the Roman Catholic Church completely disintegrate as a result of

Question: Why didn't the Roman Catholic Church completely disintegrate as a result of the Reformation!?
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Well, first and foremost, Catholicism was the dominant religion in Europe!. Though Luther came and spread his Protestant ideas, he was really focused in Germany!. Thus, it was difficult to just competely disintegrate such a powerful branch of Christianity!.

also, the Counterreformation (led by a bunch of popes) brought about changes in Christianity that actually increased the numbers of Catholics!. The Council of Trent (set up by Pope Paul III) addressed major problems in the Catholic church, and eliminated the selling of indulgences (which is what could be considered THE most significant catalyst for the Reformation)!. also, prior to the Reformation, priests were uneducated and breaking vows of celibacy, and practicing simony!. Ignatius Loyola formed the Jesuits - educated priests who had to spent 17-20 years going around on mission trips and really committing themselves!. So here, you get just an increase in Catholic "pride!."

There's also queens like Mary who are viciously enforcing their religions, but I would say that actually encouraged Protestantism more so than it did Catholicism!.

Hope that helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Protestant Reformation was a radical small outbreak that would go on to bless the world with enw religions different from the conservative controls of the Catholic church!. HOWEVER, the catholic Church was powerful and it backed a lot of monarchs up and a lot of monarchs backed it up!. Fear of inquisitions was a great reason!. Another was the Bloody Mary of the Tudor family killing proffesed protestants!. Other reasons include the fact that the Catholic Church remained the only religions allowed in many nations like England (Until Elizabeth I), Scotland, France, and Spain!. Mary of Scotts almost took Elizabeth I's throne, claiming she was the heir and that Elizabeth was a heretic protestant!. Spain almost went to war and France too!.

It was also a safeguard!. The catholic faith is one of the most well-known and established faiths that many would wonder if I ecome protestant--what if I am wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should know that before the Reformation, Catholicism was the dominant religion of Europe!. When Protestant religions (namely Lutheranism/Calvinism/Anglicanism) arose, there was a LOT of chaos!. Unless someone really believed passionately in Protestant ideology, Catholicism was the "best option!." To curb dissent, the Catholic Church branded reformers as heretics, excommunicated them, and persecuted them!. For people who had been Catholic for so long, some talk about reform was not enough to convert the entire Catholic population of Europe!. Even today, there are still many who believe strongly in Catholicism!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The same reason that every other heresy has not destroyed the Church, and why the evil done by priests in recent times will not!. She is the Bride of Christ and "the gates of Hell will not prevail" against her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Protestanism at that time was very radical(new)!. When an extremely new idea starts up people are scared and don't know what to choose!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because the Reformation did not spread to southern EuropeWww@QuestionHome@Com

A sufficiency of parents brainwashed their children into continuing to believe in it!. This continues today!.Www@QuestionHome@Com