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Position:Home>History> Whats the name of the houses that were mass produced during the baby boom period

Question: Whats the name of the houses that were mass produced during the baby boom period!?
they made like 20 a day, all the same exact houses!. and it enabled the younger folks to be able to afford them

i think it started with a T and ended in ville!.
but im not sure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
On Long Island, New York, it was and is called Levittown!. Levitt was a builder in the 1950's who bought up farm land on Long Island and put up relatively small, cheap dormer ranch type homes!. They are still lived in today, but most have been updated passed recognition!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In Britain they were prefabs!.
People heard they were only going to last for a couple of years, but some of them were up for forty!. Maybe some are still lived in!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe this is what you are thinking of:
