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Position:Home>History> Major battles!?!?!?

Question: Major battles!!?!!?!!?
ok this i sthe info i need about the American revolution:

1) What are the social, economic and political conditions like in the 13 colonies before the American revolution!.

2) When and how did the American revolution begin!.

3) What were the major events that took place in the American Revolution!.

4) What were the consequences that came from the American revolution!.

5) how were the everyday lives of people impacted upon the war!.

6) What effects did the American revolution have on the french revolution

any info will be handy and also any good sites or whatever lyk good sites about the american revolution or whatever thank-you anyone that gives an answer!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
These are in a nutshell, as a full answer would take forever to type and create more questions than it answered, but!.!.!.!.!.

1!. Socal!.!.!.!.!.!.The colonists, as a whole, were a lucky people!. The social ladder was rather short, one could make something of himself without having been born to a rich family as the case was in Europe!. Economics!.!.!.!. The colonies were a part of the British Empire, and took part in its trade patterns so their were markets for colonial produced goods!. Land was cheap and plentiful, so farming was a good option as well!. Political!.!.!.!.!. Each of the colonies were governed by a Royal Governor appointed by the King!. As a whole the colonies were allowed Civil government and govern themselves to a degree!. The liberties we enjoy as Americans today were generally in place then!.

2!. The American Revolution offically started on April 19, 1775!. While their were various things that led to that point such as the Boston Tea Party and others that was the real start!. That being the Battle of Lexington where British regulars defeated colonial militia!.

3!. These are the major events that shaped the outcome!.!.!.!.!.!.Battles of Lexington and Concord, Declairation of Independence, Battle of Trenton , Battles of Saratoga (Freemans Farm and Bemis Heights), Valley Forge, French Alliance, Battle of Yorktown and the Treaty of Paris!.

4!. The founding of the US was the most major one

5!. It would depend where you lived!.!.!.!. some areas were untouched!. Other areas were burned to the ground by one side or the other!. It would also depend what side you took!. If you were a loyalist you probably had to flee your home and head for Canada!. If you were a native american you probably had your Village destroyed by the Continental Army and had to seek help from the British Military at places like Fort Niagara!.

6!. The French people became facinated by the 'liberty' concept!. The French government all but bankrupted itself by entering the war on the side of the colonists and fighting a global war with the British!. These two factors combined led directly to the French Revolution!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

These sites should be able to answer your questions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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This sounds like a history assignment in a high school history class!. Due Monday!?Www@QuestionHome@Com