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Position:Home>History> Federation of Australian?

Question: Federation of Australian!?
How does this event in history relate to austrlaians values/identity of today!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I will jump in here and say that it provides, in the minds of most Australians, a date from which they can consider Australia to be a nation!.

This is actually no true, as it was simply the date when the six colonies colonies were merged to become one colony under the dominion of Great Britain and Northern Ireland!. This includes what is now the Northern territiory!. The ACT came a few years later, if my history serves!.

We made our first act as a nation in 1919 ( the June signing of the Treaty of Versailles), and there has been no actual date where Australian independence was formally proclaimed or recognised!. We were still a colony, in fact of law, during Gallipoli, though this is still an essential point of national pride in spite of our then status!.

I believe that the Australian identity carries well back to first settlement, and not to any particular point since, despite the acte of Federation in 1901!.Www@QuestionHome@Com