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Position:Home>History> What exactly started ww1?

Question: What exactly started ww1!?
i know the ww2 was started by germany invading poland in 37 then the us got in because of pearl harbor in 41 but im realizing i have no clue what started ww1!. all i know is it was uk vs germany
any info is appreciated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A lot of things: tension between Germany and Britain due to the naval race, the alliance systems, but mostly because of the assassination of Franz Ferdinand (the arch duke of Austria) in Sarajevo, Serbia!. This caused the Austrians to bombard Serbia with artillery which greatly angered Russia, a close ally of Serbia, who then intervened causing Germany, an ally of Austria, to get involved too!. With Russia under attack from Germany, Britain and France had no choice but to get involved too!. That's the whole thing in a nutshell but that's only skimming the top, there are other small reasnons too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A lack of flexibility!.

Austria-Hungary issued a declaration of war on 28 July!. Initially, Russia ordered partial mobilization, directed at the Austrian frontier!. On 31 July, after the Russian General Staff informed the Czar that partial mobilization was logistically impossible, a full mobilization was ordered!. The Schlieffen Plan, which relied on a quick strike against France, could not afford to allow the Russians to mobilize without launching an attack!. Thus, the Germans declared war against Russia on 1 August and on France two days later!. Germany then violated Belgium's neutrality by the German advance through it to Paris, and this brought the British Empire into the war!.

The objective of the French Plan XVII was to recapture the provinces of Alsace-Lorraine, lost in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870, pinning the German forces on the Rhine, and to attack the German centre through the southern Ardennes!. In opposition to Plan XVII, the German Schlieffen Plan anticipated the target of the French assault and determined to remain there on the defensive, holding the Alsace-Lorraine front with the minimal possible force needed to keep the bulk of the French engaged there!. The main German force would be on the right wing, sweeping through neutral Belgium and then into France, descending on Paris and executing a massive envelopment manoeuvre which would trap the French army between the two German forces and lead to its rapid annihilation!. The German divisions would then rapidly turn about to face France's ally, Russia, on the Eastern Front!. The German plan falsely assumed Britain, not formally allied with either side, would remain neutral in the conflict, and deemed the relatively small British regular army too small to be of any impact even if it did get involved!.

Neither side would allow deviation from the original (although the Germans eventually changed their plan at the last moment)!. Both assumed victory because of the plan and failed to see what failure would bring!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, on 28 June 1914, was the catalyst for World War I!. However, there were other political factors, as well!.

This site has a lot of great info about the start of WWI, & the war itself:

Hitler invaded Poland in 39!. Which was what started WW2!. Pearl Harbor in 41 was also in WW2!.

The assassination of ArchDuke Franz Ferdinand in 1914 of Austria-Hungary by a Serbian youth named Gavro Princip was what started WW1!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the black hand kinda like a terrorist group killed franz ferdinand andbecause of all of the crazy alliances this drug most of europe into war, so if you want to be philisophical, alliances are the reason for the world war and the archdukes assasination started the warWww@QuestionHome@Com

The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria!. (and it wasn't just Britain and Germany!. It was lots of countries!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

The assassination of Archduke Ferdinand is the official reason sited!.Www@QuestionHome@Com