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Position:Home>History> Why did they make cannons?

Question: Why did they make cannons!?
what did they use them for!?!?!?
i need as much info on ancient chinese cannons as possible
i have to do a speech on themWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
cannons are used to take out formations of troops marching or standing closely or aka cannon fodderWww@QuestionHome@Com

The earliest Song dynasty cannons were anti-personnel weapons that could fire several small projectiles, using bamboo barrels, over time the technology improved until cast iron barrels could be made!. The advantage of an iron barrel is that, unlike bamboo, it is not flammable and it can be cast to tolerances making it possible to load a projectile that fitted snugly, thereby improving the propulsion capabilities of the gunpowder, it can also contain the explosive power more effectively – more powder could be used to propel an object further or, crucially for siege warfare, a heavier object!. The early cannons were ineffectual against city walls but as they progressed to firing a heavy projectile they overtook catapults and trebuchets as the main siege engine!.

There are some images showing the development of cannon on this site

Cannons were used to knock down walls in forts and city walls !. Second use was a fire power on battle field to break up pike and musket squares - like Spanish Tercio- that were hard defeat unless had bigger army group and were willing to lose a lot of men!. Old Chinese cannons from about 12th/13th century used as stated- siege work against fortified walls and in field as breaker of enemy formations- some of that was as a terror weapon!. Use cannon to partially break enemy formation at longer range then send in horse trooper to finish breaking enemy formation in close!. The Chinese Han armies of pike and crossbows could resist Manchu/Mongol horse archers and lancers if they maintained the square formations!. Han horse units while weaker than mongol could shelter next to foot formations and be partially protected from flanking attacks practiced by Northerners - a horse to horse head-on attack was about equal!. Light cannon in field could disrupt Northern horse charge and Han could then charge in strong double or triple line!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Face a cannon or face a bow and arrow!. Your call!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


to explode stuffWww@QuestionHome@Com