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Discuss and examine the limitations placed upon freedom after 9/11!.

Compare those circumstances with those during both the McCarthy era and World War I!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
McCarthyism was an over zealous, frenetic search for communists in 1950s America and after 9/11 there was a tendency to look for terrorism activities in anyone who had a non-white skin tone and much 'finger-pointing' was done in both cases!. The events at the end of the First World War had created what Churchill termed 'an Iron Curtain' where communist countries formed probably the greater part of Europe and were therefore a threat to democratic societies in the west!.

I suppose the 'freedom' of some individuals were affected as I have heard of people from middle eastern countries or mixed race individuals who are automatically searched at airports, which is both an over-reaction to 9/11 and an infringement on the freedom of these innocent individuals and I'm sure some of them were reluctant to travel abroad in case they were targeted in the same way which is another example of how their freedom was limited!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Take a look at the restrictions on freedoms and questions of people's 'loyalty' to the US!. Compare and contrast the USA PATRIOT Act with the McCarthy Era House Un-American Activities Committee hearings!. Think about why the USA PATRIOT Act was first enacted and why the HUAC hearings were called!. Draw parallels between the threat of terrorism and the threat of Communism!.

I'm not sure how WWI fits into this!. If it's actually supposed to be WWII - you could draw additional parallels between the persecution of Japanese, German and Italian born Americans during WWII and the persecution/scruity of Muslim Americans and the detention of those in Guantanamo Bay)Www@QuestionHome@Com

a lot of scrutiny on the wrong groups of people and a lot of witch hunts like McCarthyism with some truth but both events used a false sense of security to lull the public into some unquestioned dumb stuff!.Www@QuestionHome@Com