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Question: I want to learn more about history!?
I have always been fascinated by history but i never knew where to start with my leaning!. I would like to take it up as a hobby of mine!. I would like to know more about past history rather than recent evens in the last 100 years as I have more interest in the earlier times!.

Can anyone recommend me a book that is really good for me to start learning!? To me a history text book seems a little cliche and never has enough information!. I have also thought about encyclopedias but its all by name and not in order by events!.

In school i took American History and i liked that!.

Right now i'm interested in Napoleon Bonaparte, The Texas Revolution, The Spanish Inquisition, and The Crusades

I have not studied those subjects yet, but i am interested in it!.

I think studying history is a more interesting a beneficial thing to do rather than sitting around all day playing computer games and watching viral videos!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"History: The Definitive Visual Guide" is great! It is in order, starts at the Dawn of Civilization and ends with our time!. It has about two-four pages on each subject, with the pages being VERY big!. They also have a lot of pictures, and it is just really good!. Alos, you can read one of the subjects, and if you like it, you can go get a book on it!. I love history, too and I love it! I read it every day!.

Hope this helped!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Check out your local library!. You can find books on whichever subjects interest you the most at any time, and can find a book that meets your reading preferences!. also, see if the library carries any history magazines!. Military History is an excellent source fo easy to understand studies of various military campaigns, battles, and leaders!. You can also hang out at your local bookstore and look through a magazine or two there, especially if the store is one of those with chairs to lounge back in!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Treasury of Royal Scandals: The Shocking True Stories of History's Wickedest, Weirdest, Most Wanton Kings, Queens, Tsars, Popes, and Emperors" by Michael Farquhar is made of awesome and win!. Apparently, he's also written a book on American history to a similar theme, but I haven't gotten around to reading it yet!.

It's on my "Must Buy Soon" list!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are some excellent authors in the field of historical fiction - these involve fictional characters set against a background of real history and make great reading, along with providing information about various historical periods!. I googled up 'Texas Revolution' and found a list of ten of Yates best books about the Texas Revolution - none is historical fiction, just plain old fact!.
I agree that history is a fascinating study!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Start by using Google, but don't use the Wikipiedia hits, as they can be inaccurate!. you will be amazed at the increadible amount of information to be found on the web!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here's a list of reading for you!

Barbara Tuchman's 'A Distant Mirror' This covers the 14th century in Western Europe!. Her 'Guns of August' about the start of WW1 is also a classic!.

Desmond Seward's 'The Wars of the Roses' was really interesting!. This is the 15th century civil war in England over the crown!. This is one of the great stories of history!. Shakespeare wrote eight plays about it, including Richard III and Henry V, two of his best!.!. Seward's history is very comprehensive!.

Alison Weir's 'The Princes In the Tower' was short and really good!. It's about the same period!. It addresses the question: was Richard III guilty!? I had little interest in Medeival history until I read it a few years ago!. Now I can't get enough of the period!.

A bio of Napoleon could be pretty intimidating, but well worth the effort!. I've read two, but am afraid I do not recall the authors!. I did just finish Curtis Cate's 'The War of the Two Emperors', about Napoelon's invasion of Russia!. I couldn't put it down!. It might be a little hard to find, I picked it up in a used bookstore (which is a great place to find great history books, btw)!.

Crusades!. I read two books this year that were pretty good:

-Jonathan Riley-Smith's 'A History of the Crusades' was a wealth of information!. Prepare to be angry!.

- Karen Armstrong's 'Holy War: The Crusades and Their Impact On the World Today' takes a different tilt on the topic, drawing a relationship between the Crusades and the state of Isreal!. I learned a lot from this book and would highly recommend it!.

I have also learned a lot from historical novels!. James Michener is at the top of my list!. 'The Source', definitely!. I read it when I was 16 and it gave me a love for history ever since!. also check out 'Hawaii', 'Chesapeake' and 'Centennial' And he wrote a book on Texas also, but I have not read it!.

Check out Leon Uris: 'Trinity' about the British in Ireland!. 'QBVII' was riveting!.

Edward Rutheford wrote a couple good historical novels about England!. 'Sarum' was pretty good!. I made a special trip to visit the place when I was in England becaudse I enjoyed his book so much!.

Browse through used bookstores' history sections for great stuff!. You'll find really interesting things!. And it won't cost you an arm and a leg!. also, your public library is a good place to browse!. Your librarian may even give you a recommendation on a topic of your interest!.

So there's a few choices!. History has been a passion of mine as far back as I can remember!. Enjoy the stories that are out there!. It's been a lifetime of entertainment for me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com