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Position:Home>History> How much did Joan of Arc sell for to the British this Day in History?

Question: How much did Joan of Arc sell for to the British this Day in History!?
Im in my grade 10 history class and we were wondering!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The sum of a thousand pounds, or crowns, was given by the King of England for the surrender of the Maid; and an annuity of 300 pounds to the soldier of the Duke of Burgundy who had captured her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think it was like 60 0r 600lbs at that time,no so sure though!. if i can remember correctly that's how much it was at that time!. But if you want to watch a good movie on her watch "The Messenger", it is a really good movie on her and it has the girl that played in Resident Evil as Joan of arc!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ten Thousand Francs was what the English paid to get Joan of Arc in their hands so that they could have her killed!. BTW this day is the anniversary of her capture at Compiegne!. She was not sold to the English until mid November 1430!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

About Several hundred thousand!.!.!.!.(Roughly)Www@QuestionHome@Com