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Position:Home>History> The Holocaust Had No Connection to Hitler????

Question: The Holocaust Had No Connection to Hitler!?!?!?!?
The above is a reply to one of my posts and is so oblique, so rude, so totally chaotic I decided to use it as the basis of an independent post!.

If Hitler did not engineer the Holocaust, who did!? and why were all those German soldiers in Nazi uniforms piling the Jews into the concentration camps!.

Or is it only a moooooooooooooooooooovie!?!?

The same poster added that he didn`t know which side he was on!. Buddy, if you have to ask!.!.!.!.

6 million!.!.!.!.that`s 6 million!.!.!.!.how many people in Madison Square Garden or the Royal Albert Hall!.!.!.!.6 million!.!.!.!.Jews were butchered by the Nazis during the Second World War (euphemism)!.!.!.!.one of the oldest, if not the oldest, ancient cultures surviving into modern times was de facto made extinct (de jure if you consider that current Jewish existence has nothing to do with its historical precursor)

Now you tell me what side you`re on!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Stalin killed 20 or 30 million people that's a fact!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Nuremburg trials brought in the concept of Crimes Against Humanity, which the Holocaust undoubtedly was: we are all diminished by such actions and any attempt to justify, deny or make light of this is an affront to all decent people everywhere!.

As Fuhrer, Hitler takes ultimately responsible for what was carried out during his regime!. Whether he knew what happened at Wannasee might be debatable - but there can be little doubt they were acting on his wishes - clearly set out elsewhere, including Mein Kampf!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

as far as i'm concerned there are no sides!. you just can't argue with the fact that the holocaust happened, or that it was because of Hitler!. it's totally stupid to do so, & i clicked on this question ready to tell you that haha!.
i think its totally disrespectful to deny those jewish people the memory of what they must have gone through because of this one man's hatred of them, and his brainwashing of those around him!.

Jews or not, the holocaust was the worst disaster in modern history!. People who deny it or support it are just out to rattle cages!. If they were witnessing the realities of it, they would be the biggest wimps of all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hi Sandra,
In todays society, there are some people who are "EVIL", and the person who posted that comment, is one of them!.
As a person who lived through the Holocaust, I am heartened to read all the replies you received!.
Thank you!.

I am on the side of right!. Of course Hitler was responsible!. I don't think the Jews have a right to Palestinian land though because of it!. The holocaust was unspeakable and anyone who thinks otherwise is sick in the head!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Perhaps the person who answered your previous post with that should check out this website http://www!.aish!.com/holocaust/default!.as!.!.!.
and then for good measure got to this one as well http://www!.aish!.com/seminars/whythejews/Www@QuestionHome@Com

We should ALL report Holocaust denyers!.

By engaging with their them we give them the idea that their ideas are worth arguing about!.

Ignore them, report them and pity their stupid teenage mindsWww@QuestionHome@Com

I bet the replier came from Argentina!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That person is a Hitler apologist!. Play no attention to that sort!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

how could anyone say that the holocaust was in no way related to Hitler!? it's ridiculous!. There has been no man more evil in recent times than Hitler!.

The mass genocide of millions of people who have done nothing except choose a different belief system is beyond evil, and Hitler can be in no way exonerated from his involvement in this!. He may not have physically piled those people into trains or turned on the gas in the gas chambers but he is ultimatelyy responsible!. He put Himmler or whoever in charge of the Gestapo and he gave the orders!. These are atrocities that must never be forgotten and must NEVER happen again, although i'm sure they have but have been covered up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are arguably no documents that directly connect Hitler to the Holocaust, and this is used by deniers to claim that, therefore, Hitler did not know about and had nothing to do with it!.

One reason deniers resent the endless talk of the Holocaust is something you yourself have unfortunately shown- Hitler killed about 10 million people, of whom 6 million were Jews!. Some interests constantly 'write out' the non-Jewish victims of the Holocaust and this happens all the time, but is grossly offensive!.

If a mass murderer ran through a school and shot 20 people, would we say 'he shot 12 Jews!. And some others'!. This constant appeal to victimhood, which resulted in the West forcing the Arabs off their land in Palestine to make room fro Jewish refugees, causes anger in many quarters, especially considering the actions of Israel today!. We also ignore modern genocide (Rwanda, Cambodia) while constatly saying that the 'lesson of the Holocaust is to never allow it to happen again'!. This hypocrisy grates and angers many people!.

But these actions have nothing to do with the Holocaust which most certainly happened, and has now been well investigated!. There's also the small matter of Hitler describing in Mein Kampf his hatred of the Jews, and is seeing Jewish interests behind all his enemies from Washington to Moscow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am 58 years old, which means I was born after the end of World War 2!. But, I had an uncle that served 8 years during that time, and was in Germany/Austria for a few years!. He married my aunt, and we were very close!. So I learned a lot from her about what she called "the devil, Hitler"!.
What I cannot understand is, even today there are people that lived through this!. They tell their stories!. They show their "number tattoo"!. What is it the skeptics don't believe!? Has anyone ever listened to Corrie Ten Boom!? Where have the skeptics been hiding for the last 60 years!? I hears an 80 year old woman about 15 years ago talk about the Holocaust!. She lost family members, she saw so much!. I just can't figure out why people are saying these people are lying!? Yes, Hitler engineered it!. He was the most horrible man that had ever existed!. He was a very sick man, mentally!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course Hitler had connections to the Holocaust!. In an entry of Joseph Goebbels' diary (December 12, 1941), it says:

Bezüglich der Judenfrage ist der Führer entschlossen, reinen Tisch zu machen!. Er hat den Juden prophezeit, da?, wenn sie noch einmal einen Weltkrieg herbeiführen würden, sie dabei ihre Vernichtung erleben würden!. Das ist keine Phrase gewesen!. Der Weltkrieg ist da, die Vernichtung des Judentums mu? die notwendige Folge sein!.

With respect of the Jewish Question, the Führer has decided to make a clean sweep!. He prophesied to the Jews that if they again brought about a world war, they would live to see their annihilation in it!. That wasn't just a catch-word!. The world war is here, and the annihilation of the Jews must be the necessary consequence!. [1]

As far as Jews being one of the oldest cultures, yes!.
"If not the oldest", no!. Actually, Native South African Khoisan people are so far discovered to be the *oldest*!. [2]

The Khoi San (Native South Africans) are direct descendants of our oldest ancestors!.

Journey of Man: A Genetic Odyssey (Part 2) [2]
"This is like a dream for me!. Everything in their blood seems to be predicted in their faces!. It's like looking at a composite model of every face from around the world!. The eye shape of East Asians, the high cheekbones of Mongolians, the mid-brown skin that could turn darker or lighter!. So how do I know, that of all the people on Earth, the San are direct descendants of our oldest ancestors!? I'll try to explain a litle better this time!.!.!." (2:26 - 2:55) (Geneticist Spencer Wells)

[1] Die Zeit, edition January 9, 1998!.
[2] http://www!.youtube!.com/watch!?v=ybji0axp6!.!.!.
"In 2006 archaeologists reported evidence of rituals practiced by the San around 70,000 years ago—the oldest indications of human rituals ever found!. "

"Documentary Redraws Humans' Family Tree, National Geographic, Hillary Mayell, 2003
"By analyzing DNA from people in all regions of the world, geneticist Spencer Wells has concluded that all humans alive today are descended from a single man who lived in Africa around 60,000 years ago!."

Holocaust Denial