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Position:Home>History> What were some strategies that julius caesar used?

Question: What were some strategies that julius caesar used!?
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In dealing with conquering his enemies, Julius Caesar had the habit of being magnanimous in victory!. He rarely went for severe retribution or slaughter, as long as the enemies conceeded defeat and did not rebel!. However, any city or person who violated his generosity could not count on such mercy a second time!. During the Gaulic wars many of the tribes and towns he would defeat eventually rebelled against him and Rome!. To be beaten by Caesar a second time would result in widespread destruction, looting, and the wholesale enslavement of the rebelling population!. Those who remained loyal tended to be rewarded, and people soon learned it was easier to be a friend of Caesar rather than a foe!. This applied to both individuals and tribes or nations!.
Caesar also used the strategy of appealing to the Plebs, drawing popular support from the masses of Roman voters rather than the Patricians, or noble classes!. This did not endear him to many of the Patrician families, but it did make it possible for Caesar to enforce his rule!. While the support of the mob was a dangerous and tricky thing to maintain, Julius managed quite well to do it!. When he was killed, it was his Patrician enemies that assasinated him, not the Roman people as a whoel!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He shared the hardships of his troops in Gaul, they respected him for it!. He had a down to earth appeal, he was popular among the lower classes because he wasn't pretentious and didn't look down his nose at his common soldiers-he shared their food and wine at dinner for example!.

His troops loved him and did amazing things for him-unbelievable marches, took on amazing odds (at Alesia it was 8-1 against!) and followed him in his march on Rome itself!. The loyalty that he built up in his troops was one of the key reasons for his success!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

1!. He was generous and fair to his army which bought him their loyalty and victory in Gaul!.
2!. Against the laws of the Senate, he crossed the Rubicon with his army and brought them to Rome!. His skill and intelligence brought enormous political support that enabled him to finally defeat his rival, Pompey!.
3!. By getting himself voted dictator for life, he managed to take absolute power without officially changing Rome's status as a republic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Caesar used a sort of ancient blitzkrieg, moving his men further and faster than his enemies thought possible!.

He also used a couple of innovative siege techniques such as at the siege of Alesia!.Www@QuestionHome@Com