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Position:Home>History> What sorts of changes occured in family life for women following the american re

Question: What sorts of changes occured in family life for women following the american revolution!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In actuality, very few!.

Despite Abigail Adams' request to her husband to "remember the ladies" as he helped forge a new government, American women still had very few rights; their real estate and earnings belonged to their husbands, and, in the unlikely event of a divorce, the husband was automatically given custody of any children!.

About the only real change for women was an increased interest in their education!. This was not, however, intended to fit them for the professions (such as law and medicine), but merely to make them better mothers--particularly to their sons, who, after all, would be expected to participate fully in the life of the new republic!.

It wasn't until the 19th century that women finally began to become educated for places outside the home!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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