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Position:Home>History> Summary please?

Question: Summary please!?
can somebody help me do a summary or do the summary i have to do
its about Ricardo Pancho Gonzalez ill give all the stars i can to the one that does it =]] or tips in how to do a summary and any info about him useful thanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You're talking about the sports hero Pancho Gonzalez, right!?

If so, the first thing to do is to collect information about him!.

This wikipedia article should help you to do that:

To create a summary, print off a copy of the article!. With your highlighter, note those sentences that point out the most important things about his life and career!. Cross out the facts that seem trivial and less important!.

Using those facts, put them into your own words, creating a summary using Word or whatever word processing program you have available!. The summary could generally follow the same flow as the wikipedia article--just don't copy it as is!. Or, you can start by stating some general things about him--how he's famous as a tennis hero, and then give information about his life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com