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Position:Home>History> Would anyone care to answer some boring history essays?

Question: Would anyone care to answer some boring history essays!?
these are just a couple essays i want to study to make sure i have the right answers for my final tommorow:

1) Describe the changes that occurred in Eastern Europe immediately following World War II!.
2) Describe three actions that the United States took before 1950 to oppose the spread of communism!.
3) Discuss changes in the American labor force with regard to women and African Americans after World War II!.
4) Discuss three results of the Brown v!. Board of Education decision!.
5) Explain the primary reason why the Equal Rights Amendment was not ratified
6) Explain the primary effect of the bus boycott in Montgomery on the bus company and the community!.
7) Describe three factors responsible for discontent among African Americans during the 1960s!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Look it up!. I wouldn't trust Yahoo Answers for this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A couple is TWO!.
NO - I do not want to do your boring homework for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

haha dont listen to him he is a weirdo /\ and hahaha for asking this on yahoo answers!. niceeeeeWww@QuestionHome@Com