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Position:Home>History> What war is the most interesting?

Question: What war is the most interesting!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
World War II has the greatest scope, involving hundreds of nations, theatres of war from the Arctic wastes to the North African destern and the steaming jungles of Burma and the Pacific!. It was a war of technology and machinery, but also of whole nations-in-arms!. It produced great leaders of nations and of armies, examples of pure evil and of incredible bravery!. There were key roles for thinkers and inventors, businesspeople, even children!. It also decided the fates of nations and of most of the people reading this!.

The First World War best exemplifies the futility and stupidity of warfare, the current Iraq War shows how little we learn from war, the Napoleonic and American Civil Wars are the 'best' for studying set-piece battles and military technique!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Every war has interesting stories, but it's important to remember the harsh battle realities for the people involved!. The ones that interest me are those that aren't so well known, especially those that occurred with Rome and during the middle ages!. We often forget about any wars that occurred before the founding of the United States, which is a shame!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The American Civil War tends to fascinate most amateur historians because of the brother-against-brother stories and the many weird coincidences that crop up!. It's also the best documented of the American wars!.

Of the wars that never happened, I think the most interesting is the Pig War!. That could have escalated into a major war between the US and Britain, but having the right commanders on the scene and troops that obeyed orders kept it from ever becoming more than a diplomatic footnote!. Type "Pig War" into your search engine to learn more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dunno what you consider 'interesting' as most wars are destructive, cost lives, distrupts a nation's well-being and changes everything for all concerned but if i had to chose in reasons why wars start, well then i have an answer: the 30 years' war was the most interesting and childish!. two parties met to resolve their differences and try to avoid conflict!. the two men met at a remote farm house in the hinterlands of an area near prague !. being not mature and certainly being idiotic, the two began yelling and screaming at each other which lead to pushing and shoving!. when one good push shoved one out the barn upper window and into a fresh pile of horse and cow manure, well, the real or imagined insult began the 30 year war!. moral of the story!? don't push your friends or enemies into a pile of anything unless you really mean it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think maybe WWII because of:
a) number of combatants
b) Advances in technology
c) facinating (ever-changing) relationship between strategy and tactics
d) the fact that the war was fought on so many fronts as to be truly "global"
e) the internment of U!.S!. citizens
f) the ending of the horrors of the holocaust!.

(also my dad was a B-17 pilot who flew several missions over Germany for the good guys)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Vietnam War - how a bunch of under-equipped farmers defeated the greatest military force on the planet, but paid a terrible price for victory!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The American Civil War is highly interesting - but there are so many other wars that are just as interesting!. This question is too subjective for me to answer honestly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think the punic war with Hannibal taking the elephants over the Alps is pretty cool and WW2Www@QuestionHome@Com

umm!.!.!.wars aren't interesting they r devastatingWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think the Civil WarWww@QuestionHome@Com