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Position:Home>History> Can Someone Explain The Peninsular War To Me In Simple English?

Question: Can Someone Explain The Peninsular War To Me In Simple English!?
Please include:-
? The Causes of the Peninsular war,
? Why the Frnch found it diffucult to defeat the Spanish [guerrilla war]
? What the guerrilla war is
? If you pronounce guerrilla war as 'gorilla'!.
? How Wellington helped defeat the French in the Peninsular war

Please include as much information as possible in simple English like the English I am typing in!!!

?THANKS A MILLION!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
These are good links but it does not answer all of your questions!. As to the question how to pronounce the word Guerrilla it depends in which country you live LOL!. Gorilla will be the huge ape for many people, while some would pronounce it gerilla!.