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Question: World War two In China!?
I need help coming up with a thesis for why China went from a Dominant& Confucian Soictey to being borken down(ww2)& Communist!.

Any contribution will seriously help!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Before the second world war communism was a serious threat
to the world, it was even present here!. It was a socio-poltical
ideal that appealed to the poor and down-troddin, and created fear among the wealthy who stood to loose from it!. In countries like the U!.S!. most poor peopled owned land or other property so the appeal of communism fell only on liberals ( of course)!. In countries like Russia and China the appeal was overwhelming!.
Prior to Japan's invasion Mao tse Tung was leading a fromiddable
communist movement against the government!. They remained
strong through-out the war and quickly took control of china!. Many
of the people of China under Shang Ki Shek fled to the island of
Formosa, which became present day TaiwanWww@QuestionHome@Com