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Position:Home>History> How did the triple alliance and entente lead to world war one ?

Question: How did the triple alliance and entente lead to world war one !?
i'm only in year 9 so please explain basically!. not nothing copied from wikipedia !Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In world war I, there were two alliances
the triple entente: Great Britian, France and Russia
And Central alliance or axis: germany, Austria-hungary and ottoman empire ( also some balkan states)!.

Basicly its like when two little boys have a silly fight and each one ends up bringing his big brother and his big brothers friend etc!. and it all becomes a big fight!.

Same here when one country was attacked then its alliance countries would have to help under the treaty rules!. Whether it was right or wrong!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Germany and France always hated eachother, and Germany and England started to become hostile!. In order to prevent war, Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary formed an alliance!. Meanwhile, France, Britain and Russia formed the Triple Entente!. Austria-Hungary got into trouble with one of Russia's friends (A small country, Serbia) Austria-Hungary started attacking Serbia!. Russia came to Serbia's defence!. Because of the Alliance system in Europe, Germany joined the war and dragged Britain and France in with them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well when someone from one alliance got into a war with someone from the other all the people in the alliance ended up in the war even if they had no problem with the other country causeing a world warWww@QuestionHome@Com