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Position:Home>History> Social Darwinism attempts to explain:?

Question: Social Darwinism attempts to explain:!?
divisions and inequities among people in a society
cliques in school
government action in the West
none of the above

2: The term that suggests that all hard work will produce prosperity is:
Social Darwinism
Horatio Alger Myth
American Dream
none of the above

3: Which person’s life can accurately be described a "rags to riches" story!?
Prince Charles
Andrew Carnegie
a taxi driver in New York City
all of the above

4: Who is responsible for naming the term "Gilded Age!?"
Horatio Alger
Andrew Jackson
Mark Twain
Maya Angelou

5: Laissez-Faire is an economic principle that:
encourages government intervention in the economy
opposes government intervention in the economy
believes westward expansion will benefit the economy
believes westward expansion will harm the economy

6!.: America’s Centennial Exhibition in 1876 was held in what city!?
New York

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. a
2!. c
3!. b
4!. c
5!. b
6!. dWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think these are correct, but you may want to double check these :

1!. divisions and inequities among people in a society
2!. American Dream
3!. Andrew Carnegie
4!. Mark Twain
5!. opposes government intervention in the economy
6!. PhiladelphiaWww@QuestionHome@Com