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Position:Home>History> UK-What is your opinion of British involvement in all African warring countries?

Question: UK-What is your opinion of British involvement in all African warring countries!?
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britain only get involved if they have assets in dangerWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well Britain did a great job in stopping a genocidal civil war in Sierra Leone!. When Blair visited a couple of years ago he was mobbed like a movie star by the locals!. So that speaks for itself!.

However Britain is NOT involved in Zimbabwe, Kenya or South Africa, apart from politicians making comments calling for change, or an end to violence!. But then the UN, EU, USA etc are all calling for that too!.

I think, as the former colonial power in many of Africas warring countries Britain SHOULD get more directly involved, particularly in Sudan and Zimbabwe(both former colonies) where mass slaughter, ethnic cleansing, brutal oppression etc are being exercised on huge swathes of the population!.

If Britain, and the democratic western world in general, is prepared to go to war to stop slaughter and bring down bloodthirsty regimes in Iraq, Yugoslavia and Afghanistan, it should also be prepared to do so in places such as Sudan, Zimbabwe and Somalia!. Anything less is pure hypocrisy!.

What we allowed to happen in Rwanda and the Congo, and what we are now allowing to happen in Sudan and Zimbabwe is an utter disgrace!.

I think Britain and the west has a moral duty to intervene to stop this happening!. Militarily it would be VERY easy, these countries are not nearly as well equipped militarily as Yugoslavia or Iraq were, and their rulers have almost no popular support!.

Other African countries will NEVER do anything to stop these things happening!. The main reason is that most of them are ruled by similar types of regimes as Mugabe anyway, ie Corrupt, Nepotistic, Tribalistic, Inefficient, Lazy, Greedy, Dishonest, Dictatorial, Undemocratic and Violent regimes!.

They may not all be as bad as those running Zimbabwe, Sudan etc, but they are often variations on the same theme themselves!.

If Britain and the west do nothing, who else will!?

What are other African countries doing about it!? Nothing, sadly!

Since independence, most former British colonies have regressed, with life expectancy going down, incompetence, dishonesty and tribalism in govornment rife, health services and education systems falling apart, industry grinding to ahalt, and unemployment and inflation going through the roof!. Its not very PC but its sadly broadly true!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you mean the intervention in Sierra Leone, it stopped a brutal civil war - then it's good!. If you mean the grubby affair of Mark Thatcher & co in Equatorial Guinea - they all deserve prison
If I'd like to see intervention in Zim - yes, but from southern African countries leading the invasion!.

Of course I read the papers etc, that's how I know that Britain is not openly involved in Zim, Kenya or RSA - which is why I asked you to cite your sourcesWww@QuestionHome@Com

David speaks the truth!. They only interfere over seas when it is to their benefit!. As for Africa!. Well, they didn't do much to stop Mugabe from rigging the election did they!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think we should be ready to help, if asked, as part of any EU or UN initiative!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Be more specific please!.Www@QuestionHome@Com