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Position:Home>History> Info about Ukraine Pliz?

Question: Info about Ukraine Pliz!?
I need some info about Ukraine, btw are Ukranians considered
to be Russian!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
As far as your request for info, I'm sure the usual wiki sites and links should be fine!.!.!.unless you were looking for something more specific we could help you with!.

My attempts to examine Ukrainian history have led me to the conclusion that either Ukrainians are completely nuts, historians are completely nuts, or both!. (I might have gotten that idea from "historical evidence" that the Pheonicians were in fact Ukrainian, as were Jesus, Mary and Joseph!.)

However, the historical accounts of Volodymyr The Great's kingdom (which he ruled from Kyiv) make it clear that Ukraine was the nation he ruled, and that the Russians were a (minor) offshoot!.

We should therefore do away with the entirely silly label "malorussi" once used to denigrate Ukrainians, and use the far more sensible "malokraintsi" for the backwards nation to Ukraine's north and east!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, ukranians are always to be considered as Ukranians!. They're not russian!. Russians are more Asiatic than Ukranians!. Ukraine was Christainized in 988 by King Vladimir!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Eastern ukrainians are more like russians, western ukrainans are more like polish people!. This difference in mentality is the root cause of our current crisis!.Www@QuestionHome@Com