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Position:Home>History> Barbarians Week: The Mongols???

Question: Barbarians Week: The Mongols!?!?!?
Does anybody know where I can find a script online for my son for History Channel's Barbarians Week!?!?!? Specifically, the Mongols/Genghis Khan!?!?!?He requires it for a minimal presentation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yipes, I guess you never know whose toes you're about to step on when you ask a question!.

I found a link to a classroom study guide from the History Channel!. The link includes a link to their website, so it may be available there!. There are other background links included that will be useful, I'm sure!. I didn't see anything that looked like a shooting script online, this could be due to a copyright issue!.Www@QuestionHome@Com