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Position:Home>History> Why was the Treaty of Versailles needed?

Question: Why was the Treaty of Versailles needed!?
Doing this for a school assignment, I know that it officially ended the war but I'm just wondering why it was actually needed!. Many thanks =DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
it was created so that countries could be allies to eachother incase of another war, basically the bigger countries made alliances with smaller countries that were too small to defend themselves but mostly the larger country would be gaining something economically useful from the smaller country via imports etc!. there were also agreements you had to make to join and germany, if they wanted to join, had to take full blame for the war and a sum of money was agreed that germany had to pay back to other countries to rebuild them!. i cant remember the figures but they worked out the debt would be repayed by 1987, but obviously hitler intercepted that with ww2

hope thats of some help, i think its rightWww@QuestionHome@Com

Generally, people like to have some sort of agreement of the terms to end a war!.

The French wanted a crushing & brutal treaty on Germany; who had twice invaded France in their recent history!. They wanted payments from the Germans to help pay for the rebuilding of destroyed French lands!.

The losers had their empires destroyed; and the lands had to be dolled out somehow!.

Wilson, the US President, wanted a fair peace; but most of all he wanted the League of Nations to prevent another war!. However, the League was far too ambitious, since France & Britian weren't enthusiastic and the US didn't even join!. The League was able to sort out initially what to do with the new countries that were created as a result of the Treaty breaking up the German, Austrian & Ottoman empires into national groups; and the subsequent disagreements over territory!.

In general terms, if the purpose of war was to resolve a disagreement, a treaty is the formal resolution to that disagreement!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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I hope I helpedWww@QuestionHome@Com