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Position:Home>History> History buffs! Need help understanding conformity in the U.S. during the 1950s?!

Question: History buffs! Need help understanding conformity in the U!.S!. during the 1950s!?!!?
What were the cons of conformity during the 1950s!? Or, in other words, why was conformism bad!? And what was the Beat Movement about!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, one con was that it was difficult for anyone who didn't fit in!. If, for instance, you were a girl who wanted to stay single and have a career rather than getting married young and having a family, you were certainly regarded as an oddity!. Florence King has written amusingly but painfully about her experiences as a fish out of water in college in the 50s in 'Confessions of a Failed southern Lady'!.

And of course McCarthyism and the fear of communism meant that is was dangerous to express any but the most bland political opinions, you were taking a risk saying anything critical about the government or about American society, and it is never a good thing when that is the case!. Freedom of speech is one of the most important things that distinguishes a free society from an unfree one, and by stifling freedom of speech the fear of communism had a bad effect!.

The Beat movement was about spotaneity and free expression, and enjoying life!. Influential Beat writers were Allen Ginsberg, Jack Kerouac, and William S!. Burroughs!. Hedonistic enjoyment of life combined with deeper spiritual experience was supposed to be their goal!. I don't know whether they achieved it, but they probably had a lot of fun trying!.Www@QuestionHome@Com