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Position:Home>History> A Kenyan mob burned 15 women to death for witchcraft. Lets look at history?

Question: A Kenyan mob burned 15 women to death for witchcraft!. Lets look at history!?
and ask a question!. The western world has been vilified in the last 30-40 years for what happened with colonizing the uncivilized world!. Americans have been vilified for taming the west and teaching savages civilized ways!. Do you feel that stories of barbarians and uncivilized beasts of today not vindicate much of the expansionism that went on during the 18th and 19th centuries!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Civilisation and actually being civilised are good things!. I'm not too sure who'd vilified the Western world for being civilised but they're wrong!. Who wants to go back to being savages and barbarians!? Not me that's for sure!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Two wrongs do not make a right!. African people were happy and well before the west conlinized it!. The west made people so angry and that anger has passed though down the generations and people do not know what to vent their anger on!. What may be civilized to you may not be civilized to another person!.

When the British came to Australia in 1788 they too 'tamed' the indignous peoples!. But many accounts have reported that the abourigenie systerm of living was the most workable in the world!. It was simple!. But oh so effective!. And the British came!. 100 000 years of isolation to perfect a systerm of "government" (it wasnt really government, but a tribal systerm) was wasted!.

No two wrongs dont make a right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

civilized!? i invite you to consider how civilized you are with the war, killings, unhappiness, psychological problems at all time high, pollution, kids with guns in schools shooting at other kids, crazy parties!. i don't think we are any more "civilized" than "barbarians!." at least the barbarians live in harmony with the environment, animals, say "hi" to each other, and aren't crazy!.

don't equate material prosperity with being civilized!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nothing vindicates what is wrong!. Because there are people dying does it give an excuse for everyone to kill!? I hope not!.

Making a country civilized doesn't require butchering the natives and replacing them!. The western world almost wiped out the Aborigines and native American Indians!. I wouldn't call that making them civilized as much as butchering people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

At least try getting your facts vaguely correct – like the number and gender of the casualties of this tragedy!.

But no, you cannot pretend this in anyway vindicates genocide attempted or otherwise!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They taught US !!! !?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? WTF

I guess you think Hitler TAUGHT the Jews also


You really are an uneducated foolWww@QuestionHome@Com

NOW in KENYA!? Have you heard of Salem, Mass!? Witchcraft is something that cannot be proven!. One person believes lighting a candle and praying can do the same thing as praying alone!.!.!.Catholics versus Lutherans all over again (see the 16th century!)!.

Do you really believe that Americans "taught savages"!? That's pretty sick!. Angry Britons came to North America to take land, no matter the blood shed!. Native Americans were peaceful people, wanted to work with the "invaders", taught medicine, and even helped the new Americans search the continent (Lewis and Clark!.!.!.Sacajawea)!.

The stories that live through our history are quite polished, or they wouldn't survive (a fantastic example is Paul Revere riding through the night yelling the British are coming!. He wouldn't have yelled that!.!.!.he WAS himself British)!. The new Americans could not have survived drought, famine, tornadoes, mountains, or anything they hadn't seen in the UK without the Natives!. So while the expansion of the country is amazing, don't EVER discredit those who helped the settlers survive!. Maybe you should do some research about the REAL first Thanksgiving at Plymouth Rock, more than 500 years ago!.

EDIT!.!.!.You are certainly correct that uneducated people continue their ignorant ways!. Yet some are still graced with the internet!. Sigh!.!.!.Cannabalism still exists everywhere!. Africans are not civilized simply because the English decided to enslave them 400 years ago!. Australians aren't criminals simply because the UK decided to make the continent a penal colony more than 100 years ago!. Not all of the French refuse to fight in a war, not all Germans are drunks, not all Chinese embrace Communism, not all Vietnamese want to kill Americans, not everyone in Russia is part of the "Red Army"!.!.!.long story short, you're generalizing!. And that, my naive friend, is a very dangerous thing to do once you really grow up!. Please refer back to your point about those who are uneducated, and how they will stop their "stupid" ways!.!.!.

PS!.!.!.not all Canadians say "eh" either, in case my point wasn't clear or close enough to home!.!.!.

SIGH!.!.!.edit #2!. Real Muslims believe in true peace (read the Koran), as do most religions!. Any religous extremist group or person is crazy!. Have you heard of David Koresh or Timothy McVay!? Both believed they were Jesus or killing on His behalf!.!.!.and this has just been in the last 15 years!. Get off of your soapbox!Www@QuestionHome@Com