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Position:Home>History> Caesar is a powerful ruler, yet he suffers from many infirmities. What are Caesa

Question: Caesar is a powerful ruler, yet he suffers from many infirmities!. What are Caesar's infirmities!?
Julius Caesar!. literature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
He is very arrogant and doesn't listen to his advisers (his wife, the commoners before he is assassinated, the mystics)!. I believe he also had epilepsy, which I suppose could be good or bad: at that time, those with epilepsy were believed to have special contact with the Gods, though Caesar is portrayed as very self conscious about his condition!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i remember one from last yr when i read it,
he is an epilectic (he has seizures)Www@QuestionHome@Com