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Position:Home>History> Question on 'Swastika' and its misunderstandings?

Question: Question on 'Swastika' and its misunderstandings!?
i realized that Swastika (卐) is one of the oldest necklaces that was excavated in Iran in the 1st millennium BCE!.
this necklace is currently presented at National Museum in Iran:

now on the web it says, In Germanic countries, examples of identical shapes in ancient European artifacts and in folk art were interpreted as emblems of good-luck linked to the Indo-Iranian meaning!.

years later, Adolf Hitler and the national socialists decided to go with this symbol of which they probably had an idea of origin!. and that's why it's most known as the "Nazi sign"

now, looking at those pictures, it has been like a symbolic holy sign in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism (note the Aryan culture/people, where Persia and Germany come from)

if you have any other information about this symbol and its origin please do let us here know!.
for sure if i said that back in my jewish high school in Canada, i would get nothing but killed!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
symbols are often only remembered for the meanings ppl choose to remember them by!. in many cultures the swastika is not a bad thing!. some other examples would be the 5 pointed star or pentacle often associated with "pagan" and "satanism" by Christians what they forget is it once was the symbol for Christianity representing the 5 wounds of Jesus!. before Christians adopted the male form of the ankh which they call the cross!. to me a cross is a symbol of death and execution but I'm a druid!. Hitler picked the swastika because it represents good fortune and luck and Germany was in a massive depression after WWI1 so in order to try to win more ppl to his party he proclaimed a message of future fortune and improvements for the country!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

>(note the Aryan culture/people, where Persia and Germany come from)

No, the Proto-Indo-European theories have been discredited!.

G?ring, later to become the head of the Luftwaffe, after the First World War worked with Count Eric von Rosen, a Swede, von Rosen’s favourite symbol, the blue swastika, was used by the Finnish airforce from 1918-1945 and this association may be the source of the Nazi adoption of the symbol!.

The Finnish military’s highest order, the Mannerheim Cross, still has a thinly disguised swastika on it