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Position:Home>History> Why was the bombing in pearl harbor considered the most signif days in US histor

Question: Why was the bombing in pearl harbor considered the most signif days in US history!.!.!. More insid!?
Why was the bombing in pearl harbor considered the most signif days in US history!. And how did it affect the u!.s in world war II!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It got the U!.S!. involved in the second World War and turned the tide of the whole thing!. Without the help of the U!.S!. the war would have lasted longer and the German's potentially could have won!. It also introduced the first use of the nuclear bomb and it's devastating effects in war and effectively took the Japanese out of the war!. It also establised the U!.S!. as a world power!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Look it up!. Read a book - even a textbook will do!.
I was not, and do not remain convinced, that signif is a word even though you used it twice!. Or is it kind of like insid!? Oh, and we capitalize U!.S!. and World War II - they deserve it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pearl Harbor is generally regarded as an extraordinary event in American history, remembered as the first time that the America attack by the other country…JAPAN!. It has become synonymous with "surprise attack" ever since in the U!.S!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If it hadn't been for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbour, the USA would stayed out of WW2 until the last minute!.
Just like they did in WW1!.Www@QuestionHome@Com