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Position:Home>History> Question about archeology in Israel??

Question: Question about archeology in Israel!?!?
During archaeological digs in Israel, were Muslim/Arab artifacts EVER FOUND under Jewish/Israeli artifacts!.

Could anyone point me to such an archaeological site !?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Jews were living in Israel about 3000 years before the Muslim religion began!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have a different question, albeit related!. What were the Muslims before Mohammed arrived!? In Palestine, the answer is Christians and Jews!. The significance of this is that all the long term inhabitants, whatever their current religion, have a long connection with the land!. Their current religion is irrelevant to the question of right to occupy if you are referring back to ancient times!.

Not all inhabitants of ancient Palestine were Jews, and not all the Jews were subjected to the final expulsion in 70 CE!.

U Made Me Do It: Because an answer does not reinforce your prejudices does not make it wrong!. I added this answer as something about which to think!. Do you have difficulty thinking for yourself!? There are many lies and distortions told about Palestine and Israel, from all sides!. There is no truth any more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com