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Position:Home>History> Tell me an interesting, strange, (and) or significant historical event?

Question: Tell me an interesting, strange, (and) or significant historical event!?
I'm doing a history project and I need a fun idea for a powerpoint about an interesting and OBSCURE event that occured!. Something like "the Taiping diaper rebellion"!.

Preferably something I can do a 10 slide powerpoint on!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Rebecca Riots!. A load of Welsh farmers dressed up as women, called themselves Rebecca and smashed the turnpike gates!. Look it up on wikipediaWww@QuestionHome@Com

One of my favourite obscure characters from English history is Elmer the Flying Monk!. Elmer was a monk at Mamesbuy Abbey, who loved to gaze up at the stars, looking for sign and portents!.

In around 1010 AD he decided to try and recreate the mythical flight of Daedalus, the Greek architect and engineer who made himself and his son Icarus wings of feathers and wax!.

Elmer decided to test the story of Daedalus by making himself wings and flying from the tower of the abbey!. In an age when Britain was still suffering from Viking invasions, many churches had high bell-towers, both to serve as a lookout and to sound the alarm!.

Modern aeronautic experts have recreated Elmer's flight, and they calculate his launch platform must have been at least 18 metres high, which corresponds to the height of surviving church towers!. They also presume that he built his paragliding equipment from willow or ash, the most lightweight and flexible of the woods available in the copses of the nearby Cotswolds!. To complete his birdman outfit, the monk must have stretched parchment or thin cloth over the frame which, we are told, he attached to both his arms and his feet!.

According to William of Malmesbury, the historian who recorded Elmer's feat in the following century, the monk managed a downward glide of some 200 metres before he landed, or rather crash-landed!. He did catch a breeze from the top of the tower, but was surprised by the atmospheric turbulence and seems to have lost his nerve!.

"What with the violence of the wind and the eddies and at the same time his consciousness of the temerity of the attempt" said William "he faltered and fell, breaking and crippling both his legs!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Battle of ThermopylaeWww@QuestionHome@Com

food fight at taiwan political meetingWww@QuestionHome@Com