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Position:Home>History> Imperialism in India?

Question: Imperialism in India!?
As part of a history research project on India, I'm supposed to write a few paragraphs about imperialism in India, as well as the India independence movement!. Does anyone know of any good websites outlining in a quick summary the history of imperialism in India!? I want something informative, but not with too many confusing details!.!.!.!. thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
hey, my parents were both born in india and i had an assignment similar!.
for imperialism, it was clearly the British!.!.!.!. they wanted to "save india" by providing them with a clear government under their rule!. they also liked india for its resources (spices for example)!. India was one of britain's best colonies!. British killed many Indians while they tried to gain independence!. They did have some positive influences though, such as building railroads, colleges, and making English a unifying language!. Best bet for a summary is wikipedia!.

for independence, look up the "quit india" movement!.!. gandhi of course!.!. non violence civil disobedience

good luck!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Google - Gandhi and Lord L!. Mountbatten!.Www@QuestionHome@Com