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Position:Home>History> Athens and the U.S. Citizenship?

Question: Athens and the U!.S!. Citizenship!?
How was the Athenian view of a citizen different from the U!.S!. view of a citizen!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Athenians looked at their polis in much the same way the JFK wishfully hoped that US citizens would: they truly asked what they could do for their country, not what their country could do for them!.

The Pydna, the voting area in the Acropolis, could only hold 6-7000 citizens, people waited in line from dawn to participate in their democracy, as opposed to the voter turnout in a typical US election!.

The voting power of the lower classes was regulary exercised to protect their interests, whereas in the US the rich lobbyists buy candidates and their influence, leaving two very similar parties to carry out pretty much the agenda of their paymasters rather than the will of the people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com