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Position:Home>History> Without wanting to be offensive, what do Americans think about Europe??

Question: Without wanting to be offensive, what do Americans think about Europe!?!?
Do you know the geography of Europe!?its countries, its economical and political situation!? what do you know about this continent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I enjoy European history!. Especially England, France, and Spain!. I believe I know the geography fairly well and have a pretty good handle on the economical and political situation!. Like I said though, my heart lies with history!. England especially had a part in the making of America (and I don't just mean in losing the Rev!. War) The magna carta that the nobles forced King John to sign!. The anglican church established by Henry VIII just because he wanted to divorce Catherine!. The great Elizabeth I who stated that no one religion would govern England!. Beautiful!.

I do believe it's rapidly becoming a fairly dirty continent though; however, in my mind England and the rest of Europe will always be a stable leading force for the rest of world!. Yes other countries have risen to the "top position", America comes to mind, but Europe has always been at the top!. Not always in first but always up there!. This is the continent that discovered and setteled the rest of the world!. This is the continent that held the reformation which brought religious freedom and crushed the powerful hands of the catholic church!. This is the continent that has lead the way for the past 1000's of years!. I must say I admire Europe with all her faults!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

America has a fairly positive view on Europe from what I have seen!. And yeah, most of the educated people at least know some about Europe!.

In general America has a positive view on most countries/continents, the only country I have heard someone say they didn't like/trust was Germany!. (not that many of us think this)
I've heard more American's bash the southern states then I have heard bash other countries/europe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're trying to imply americans don't know geography!? well some people don't (there are stupid people everywhere, you know!.) I know all the european countries and i'm american!. i'm not aware of the economical and political situations because i don't live there and don't need to know it!. but i do think there are a lot of beautiful and interesting places in europe, of course!. now!.!. can you name all the 50 U!.S!. states and the outlying territories!? Let's see!.!.!.!. no googling!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love the culture myself!. I believe that we have alot to learn from each other, with us being so new at this!. I love how the older countries have been able to borrow some ideas from us as we Americans have borrowed from other cultures to make ourselves what we are today!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Meaning to be provocative, and in view of the fact that most Americans chose to leave Europe for a New World, one can presume that Europe is not a matter of great interest!. Should it be!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I bet you can't name all the countries in geographical Europe - there are over 50!. Good luck :)

I am British by the way!. Shame the Brits can't say we love the Americans, like all these people have!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think most Americans have a very favorable opinion of Europe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can name all fifty American states!. I do need a pen and paper though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its not like we dont know anything about europe
we learn it in schoolWww@QuestionHome@Com