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Position:Home>History> What is the main point of the Yalta Agreement?

Question: What is the main point of the Yalta Agreement!?
Why did they even have the meeting!? Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
To decide before the war ended, how they would treat the losing powers!. this became uncondtional surrender, meaning the allies could do whatever they wanted to the axis powers if victoriousWww@QuestionHome@Com

By that time, they were pretty sure who was going to win!. It was also obvious that something had to be done about what would happen at the end of the war!. If nothing was done, Europe would have descended into anarchy!.

The main point was how Germany could end the war!. In the end, the Allies decided on unconditional surrender!. This had already been agreed at the Casablanca Conference!. They had learnt just where they went wrong in the First World War and they were not going to make the same mistake again!. When WW1 finished, the war was half won!. The Germans felt that it was just intermission time and were just waiting (and arming) for the second round!.

There were several other points!. Plans were made for dividing Germany into four zones of occupation (American, British, French, and Soviet) under a unified control commission in Berlin, for war crimes trials, and for a study of the reparations question!. Agreement was also reached on reorganizing the Polish Lublin government (supported by Stalin) “on a broader democratic basis” that would include members of Poland’s London government-in-exile, which the Western Allies had supported!. The conferees decided to ask China and France to join them in sponsoring the founding conference of the United Nations to be convened in San Francisco on Apr!. 25, 1945; agreement was reached on using the veto system of voting in the projected Security Council!. Future meetings of the foreign ministers of the “Big Three” were planned!.

Japan had not been defeated and the Allies wanted as much assistance as possible!. So they arranged for Russia to declare war on Japan!. In return, they would get "concessions"!. They were promised S Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands, and an occupation zone in Korea!. The secret agreement respecting the disposal of Japan’s holdings also provided that the port of Dalian (Dairen) should be internationalized, that Port Arthur should be restored to its status before the 1904–5 Russo-Japanese War as a Russian naval base, and that the Manchurian railroads should be under joint Chinese-Soviet administration!. The United States and Great Britain also agreed to recognize the autonomy of Outer Mongolia, and to admit Ukraine and Belorussia (Belarus) to the United Nations as full members!.Www@QuestionHome@Com