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Position:Home>History> Romanov's and Royal families:?

Question: Romanov's and Royal families:!?
I sure hope no one gets offened by my question, so please read carefully: I am doing a reasearch project for my AP history class in which we have to bring and event that changed history into modern times and apply it this century!. My partner and I chose, as the historical event, the execution of the Romav family of Russia!. We want to bring it to modern day and introduce the situation to a country in which a royal family rules!. Are there any countries(in todays society) who have a Royal family that also have very distinct but 'hush-hush' emeny groups against them!? Resources would be helpful but provide what you know!. Thanks!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It did happen, in Nepal a few years ago!. The entire Nepalese royal family, except for one I think, were murdered!. You might use Bhutan--it has a very popular royal family, but there are always people who want to kill royalty!. also, Thailand has a King!. Japan has an emperor who is also well-liked, but his oldest son's child will not be emperor because it's a girl!. The line will continue somewhere else!. You'd have to look that up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com