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Position:Home>History> What was romes first written law code?

Question: What was romes first written law code!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think it was the Law of the Twelve Tables, written approximatively about the 451 b!.C!., with the institution of the decemviri legibus scribundis (all patricians), who were ought to collect all the (oral) juridical tradition in a unique corpus of laws!. All others magistratures were temporarily suspended, also the plebeians ones, and this probabily indicates that this was an agreement between the orders (patrician and plebeian) because there was not the possibility to suspend them from above!. In particulary this code of laws was probabily requested by plebeians: the normative stability and the publicity given to laws by a formal writing, guaranted the faintest (and the potents in some political occasions), rescuing them from the iuris interpretatio of the pontifices and from the initiatives without certain formal limitations of the magistrates in charge!.
This "revolutionary" innovaction was perceiced as a moment unifying and constituying a new civitas, and was considered as the source of all the public and private republican right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com