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Position:Home>History> Was there ever a golden age in Britain's history?

Question: Was there ever a golden age in Britain's history!?
It is common these days to pine for yesteryear!. Was there ever a golden age, and if so, when!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Before the monkey dicovered fire,and heavy sticks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

A golden age in terms of what!?
If you look closer at them, so called golden ages turn out to be full of ****, The idea of a golden age is either political propaganda or nostalgia!.
I supppose you can talk of a cultural golden age, but don't believe those two flashy showmen Augustus and Louis XIV, that it when the state is at the height of its power!. Spain's cultural golden age was when the state was in decline, and Byzantium had a bit of one in the 15th century when the state was in the last throes of decay!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sir Francis Drake along with the defeat of the spanish armada in the times of Elizabeth the 1st is regarded by some as the start of the golden age of british history as this is the start of england and ultimately The united kingdom as a naval superpower leading eventually to america and empire building!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As somebody else has pointed out, it rather depends what you think of the British Empire and empires in general!. We have a legacy as an ex-colonial power, some of which is good, some not so good!.
When we used to actually manufacture goods in this country, was that a golden age!? Certainly there was plenty of work, and probably more national pride than there is now, but a great deal of those jobs were very hard work, low paying and quite dangerous!. If you lost a limb working in a factory, tough luck!.
So my answer has to be that things are in a constant state of flux!. Perhaps there was a golden age for the British empire, but I have mixed feelings about something which was essentially based on taking people other countries by force!. It's a good job we don't do that anymore!.!.!.oh, wait a minute!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Each age has something good and bad about it!.
UK leading the world in industry of the Victorian era was great though work conditions was something to be sorry for!.
But the UK standing up against pagan Nazism was something to be very proud of!. "Our finest hour" Something which we can genuinely be very proud of our parents' generation!.
Wonder if today's parliament would have fought against Hitler or with him, had they been there at the time, as their ideas and goals are so similar though their methods and means of getting there are different!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

great English kings Henry II, Edward I, Edward III and Henry IV
Elizabethan times and Victorian era are most likely to be associated with a Golden Age of Britain, however, for the case of the industrial times, and for most of the British population, it was certainly the worst ever era!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes two actually!. One called the Renassaince which was the time of not only Shakespeare but several other gifted poets and playwrights!. The second was the Romantic age which brought the world Wordsworth, Coleridge, Shelly, Bryon, and Keats!. The periods in between are pretty awesome too!. There is a reason we study English literature in College!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Obviously you are not British!? to think of such absurdity!. Of course the Golden age was the Industrial revolutionary period in Britain's History books of course!. There was a lot of change!. Suggest you get a book on that and learn all about it!.!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes before the Romans when we lived in hamrony with nature!.

We saw the earth as our mother and treated her with respect after 2000 years of study by the greatest scientific minds!.!.!. They are now proposing that this belief was correct!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

that depends on what you think of the british empire

YA is being a pain wont let me post links so google "victorian era"Www@QuestionHome@Com

no!. golden ages only look good from a distanceWww@QuestionHome@Com