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Position:Home>History> What where the effects of the french and indian war?

Question: What where the effects of the french and indian war!?
my daughter needs help in socail studies so i need you to help me out!.what where the effects of the french and indian war!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The French and Indian war was incredibly expensive for the British government because they were being forced to transport supplies and troops to a different country!. To help pay the expenses, the British government decided that the American colonies should be taxed; it was their land being fought over after all!. Quite naturally, the colonies didn't like the idea that they could be taxed without someone representing them before Parliament in England!. "No taxation without representation" was a cry that soon became familiar, and ideas of rebelling against British rule soon spread throughout most of the colonies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It caused England to tax the colonies to pay for the war!. Remember George the III was cooko for coco puff and over taxed them!. This caused the colonies to look to break away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
