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Position:Home>History> 5 infamous hate crimes?

Question: 5 infamous hate crimes!?
I need to know the names of 5 hate crimes (preferably within the last 20 years or so)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In the last 20 years!? Well that would be hard to define some of the most heinous murders of the last 20 years as hate crimes!. Maybe they were and maybe they weren't as there is no clear definition of what makes a hate crime unless the perpetrator says its a hate crime!. The best ones I could find were:

1980 Iranian Hostage
Matthew Shepherd -Laramie, Wyoming
James Bird Jr - Texas

The death of Emmitt Till
1964 Murder by KKK of 3 civil rights workers ("Mississippii Burning")
Scottsboro Boyes 1930'sWww@QuestionHome@Com

- Rwandan massacre
- killing in Texas of the black man that was dragged to his death (does anyone remember his name!?)
- Bosnian massacre and rape of Muslims
- rape and murders of people in Congo (current)
- Matthew Shepherd (and all killings of gays)
- killing and raping of Darurians (black Muslims) by Arab Muslims (current)Www@QuestionHome@Com