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Position:Home>History> Why do you think the titanic is remembered today?

Question: Why do you think the titanic is remembered today!?
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Because it caused such a profound impression at that time!. This was the time of great discoveries, and people believed that science and engineering would allow mankind to conquer the natural world and wrestle it to submission!. The Titanic was much touted as the first unsinkable ship of all time, the top of the technology, the symbol of mankind conquest over the waves! (add as much hype as you want, if you read papers of that time you'll see they really went overboard about technology being the answer to everything)!. And she sank on her maiden trip, taking with her plenty of famous people!. This was the first real blow to people's blind faith in technology and their dream of a perfect world built on it!.
The second blow of course came a few years later, when the horrors of a mechanised war was unveiled to the world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Titanic is remembered because it is an example of how proud and folly can result in death!. Because the men who financed the ship were so convinced that it was unsinkable that they didn't put near enough lifeboats for the amount of people on it!.

The sense of irony that happened with the sinking of the Titanic and the result of pride bringing downfall is why we remember the Titanic tragedy!.

The Titanic is not just remembered for its death toll!. There have been countless instances since the Titanic with far bigger death tolls, Rwanda and Cambodia for example, but they are not as well-known as the ill-fated ocean liner!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was a tragedy that could have been prevented if the people responsible for the ship (building it, financing it, etc!.) had done their jobs right and not worried about money and aesthetics!. That and a lot of people died!. We tend to remember high-numbered death tolls!. If the ship had made it across the Atlantic without problems, chances are, no one would remember the Titanic!.

Of course, nowadays, people remember the crappy movie with Leonardo DiCaprio!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One point of fact: The White Star Line never billed RMS Titanic as "unsinkable!." The company literature stated that the ship was "practically unsinkable!."

Titanic is remembered not just for the horrific loss of life, but also for the number of famous people that either went down or were rescued!. The tragedy stays with us because we can place ourselves in that moment in history and wonder what WE might have done if faced with a similar fate!.

Titanic is remembered-- to the point that IMHO not one person in fifty can name any other ship of the White Star Line!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that people remember 'The Titanic', because it was so large, so indestructible!.!.!.and then the impossible happened!.

also, I think that since there were survivors who lived many years after the disaster, many of these people could actually tell the world what they think happened from their perspective!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you are asking a VERY interesting question :)

It was an event that reminds us of many things on different levels!. Technically it was a monumental mistake (it has finally been discovered that they used lower quality iron rivets when they put the ship together)


Spiritually, many important souls were lost, people who were in positions of power and were expected to offer their knowledge and skills to the world (lots of rich and smart personalities died that night)!. Of course, the ones in the lower levels of the ship, were as valuable and their destinies cut short!.

People who are religious like to mention how many became over-confident and said that!.!.!. 'not even God could sink this majestic ship' but it came to pass!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe because it happened about 100 years ago and hundreds of people died!.!.!. You'd think the death of hundreds of people would at least need remembering!.!.!.!.!. Idiot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com