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Position:Home>History> Milne bay during World War 2?

Question: Milne bay during World War 2!?
Could you please give me some information on this!. I need it for my history cheat sheet!. Basically I just need information on it in short form!. THANKS!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The Battle of Milne Bay (Operation RE) was a battle of the Pacific campaign of World War II!. Japanese marines attacked the Australian base at Milne Bay on the eastern tip of New Guinea on August 25, 1942, and fighting continued until the Japanese retreated on 5 September 1942, however armed resistance ended on 7 September 1942!. The battle was the first in the Pacific campaign in which Allied troops defeated Japanese land forces and, significantly, forced them to withdraw!. The assault was the southern most point of the Japanese advance on land in World War II!.

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