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Position:Home>History> Why do you disagree with all the theories about tha assassination of John F. Ken

Question: Why do you disagree with all the theories about tha assassination of John F!. Kennedy!?
There are many theories about who was at fault of the assassination of JFK!. But the person who was at fault was Lee Harvey Oswald!. Why do people believe that it was Lee Harvey Oswald and why do people discredit the other theories!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is a strange and winding question!. The title part asks "why do you disagree with all the theories!.!.!." That would mean someone who agree with no theory including the one that puts Oswald forward as the sole guilty party!.

The reason why there are so many theories is that there were too many oddities for the Oswald theory to stand unchallenged!. That doesn't mean that it isn't right just that peculiar facts abounded - notably Jack Ruby, who killed Oswald, not being the kind of guy who gets overwhelmed by passion for a dead president and thereby takes matters into his own hand!. Losing track of JFK's brain is another strange matter that can look like an attempt to conceal evidence!. Anyway I won't go down that road very far but there were lots more loose ends poorly handled by investigators and the Warren Commission than one would have expected for so momentous a crime!. This leads to suspicion and, for some, the belief that one more than Oswald were involved!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it's human nature to beleive that bad things must happen for SOME viable reason!. To believe that a miserable nothing piece of trash like Oswald acting alone, could bring down a giant like JFK, for no reason, goes against our sense of sound reasoning we all learn as children!. People therfore are drawn to anything that says Oswald must have had help, the C!.I!.A!. did it, the Mob did it, etc!. Millions of $$ have been made in the last 45 yrs by writers, doc makers, etc on this crap!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

With the conspiracy theories, there would not have been enough room for the public to view the procession with all the 'agents' involved in the shootings!. People would have been stepping all over the 'shooters' that have been introduced as the 'hit team'!.
Ya just gotta laugh at the theories!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Those theories have been around since 1963 and are not likely to be quelled!. There are many unanswered questions, and people love a mystery!Www@QuestionHome@Com

JFK like all the kennedies were crooks, Bad Karma killed him and
the others!. Why beat a dead horse!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

because its fun to make lies and conspiraciesWww@QuestionHome@Com