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Position:Home>History> Refresh my memory: Did China send or offer us aid, after 9/11 or Katrina?

Question: Refresh my memory: Did China send or offer us aid, after 9/11 or Katrina!?
I don't recall such!. Considering its "booming prosperity", the enormous trade surplus they enjoy, etc!., why should this country's government(not to mention our "garantian national debt"!?), now send them economic assisstance because of a national disaster!?

Another example of our national "politic" having gone completely beserk!?


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
After the hurricane, the US asked for aid from various world organizations like the European Union!. The response was that about 85 countries and 10 organizations sent aid!. totaling about $850Million (US)!. Unknown how many or which nations offered aid before the request was made!.

The PRC was a contributing nation!. Some (other) unlikely, because of diplomatic tension, sources of contribution were Cuba, Venezuela, and Iraq!. These may just have been called out by name by the state department as member nations of the UN or other organizations!.

Included in the response were US supported sources as well: The UN -- United Nations; WHO -- World Health Organization; OAS -- the Organization of American States (not US states states but countries on the American continents, including the US) !.!.!. so it is unclear how much was given by foreign counties!.

So, to answer your question, yes, China did contribute to the relief, cleanup, and rebuilding effort!.

"Booming Prosperity" in China is still limited to the upper echelon!. And although many (most) goods are produced in China, they are not necessarily produced by Chinese held companies!.

No matter what you think of the country, I think we're bound by moral obligation to offer relief to the people !.!.!. (and that's the conservative side of me speaking!.) Humanitarian efforts are quite different from governmental and industrial wrangling!. On the other hand, we should have no expectation of an offer of help in our times of need, but graciously accept such an offer when it is made!.

!.!.!. what should be expected when aid is accepted is exactly what never seems to be forthcoming is gratitude for the kindness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well it seems that many countries send aid for Katrina victims!. countries such as Bangladesh, Germany, Mexico, Italy,the United Arab Emirates Greece, China, the United Kingdom, Kuwait, Cuba, and Japan all sent varying amounts of aid!. Much of it was rejected by the american government and some was wasted (such as the shipments from Italy and the UK-which were left to rot instead of being distributed!.) Kuwait gave at least 25 million and possibly as much as 50 million to the red cross!. not bad for a islamist country!. china sent 100 tons of stuff and may have sent more if it had been asked!. In their defense they had just suffered typhoon talim (a category 4 storm) days before!. A million citizens had to be evacuated while hundreds died!. No word if any aid arrived from the U!.S!., token or otherwise!.
Don't believe me!? check the links!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because it fits with OUR social conscience, not China's!. And I believe that China did send some token aid!. Most of us in the US believe in helping ALL people in emergencies, no matter their religious or political status!.Www@QuestionHome@Com