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Position:Home>History> A couple years ago on either the History Channel or Discovery Channel there was

Question: A couple years ago on either the History Channel or Discovery Channel there was program about the WWII battle!?
of Monte Cassino/Anzio!. I know this is a long shot but does anyone happen to remember seeing this program and if so, could you tell me which station it was on and what it was called!? I'm fairly sure my grandfather is shown in the show and my mother wants it badly!. I know this seems impossible and I'm sorry I don't have more information but if someone happens to know anything about this, I would greatly appreciate any information!. Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There are two that I can find: Discovery Channel's Battlefield Monte Cassino (link Below) and National Geographic's Battlefront Monte Cassino (lots of torrent links, just search)!.

is it not the world at war,it was a whole series and it had this music "you know what i mean and the writing used to go into flames etc,i seen the one on Mussolini and the fortifications etc at mount casino,if its the same one,it was badly bombed etc,and it had the opposite affect as they dug in to the ruins,well who knows it might be the world at war,i wish you well,peAce!.Www@QuestionHome@Com