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Position:Home>History> Dictatorship and democracy?

Question: Dictatorship and democracy!?
10 characteristics of dictatorship!? and 10 on democracy!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
-autocratic form of government
- one-party rule
- executions without trial or with a mock trial, for political offenses
- the nationalization or expropriation of private property
- censorship
- Many dictators have held the formal title of "President", but wield extraordinary powers!.
- Some dictators gain or continue to hold a military post!.
- The use of national and religious traditions (Nazi and fascists used that)
-control of the media

-A constitution that limits the powers and controls the operation of government!.
-Free and just elections!.
-Election of officials!.
-The right to vote and to stand for election!.
-Equality before the law and due process under the rule of law!.
-Access to alternative information sources!.
-freedom/ rightsWww@QuestionHome@Com

(Dictatorship) 1!. Pride in the past!. 2!. Discipline!. 3!. Law and order!. 4!. Capital Punishment!. 5!. Conscription!. 6!. Patriotism!. 7!. Unity!. 8!. Respect!. 9!. Street crime crushed!. 10!. Hope for the future!. (Democracy) 1!. The Human Rights Act!. 2!. Political Correctness!. 3!. 'Unrestrained' mass immigration!. 4!. Breakdown of law and order!. 5!. Crime out of control!. 6!. Ineffective Police!. 7!. A society on benefits!. 8!. An economy in meltdown!. 9!. Idiot politicians!. 10!. England falling apart at the seams!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, you have to understand that there is no set definition of Democracy!. It literally means that the people have the power, but in all the countries that claim it the people plainly don't!.

Every few years we choose between 2 or 3 people who decide what we all must do!. Not really the best system really is it!? Do you decide if you or your countrymen go to war!? Do the people choose their ambassador to the UN!?

This notion that the West has perfected Democracy is a ploy to stop it's development and, therefore, keep it in the hands of the rich and well-educated upper-classes!. Sadly it's worked!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Interesting question!.!.!.can think of 10 characteristics for dictatorship and none for democracy as there is no such thing!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Blazing Pen Avenger got that spot on!Www@QuestionHome@Com