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Question: When did the Roman empire begin to colapse!?
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It began to collapse when the ruling powers started to allow unfettered immigration into Roman lands!. In the beginning, Rome was very picky about giving out Roman citizenship to non-Romans, and kept careful control over, and limited the number, of foreigners who could live there!. To be a Roman citizen it was also necessary to speak Latin!. As the empire expanded and more people were needed to run things, the Romans encouraged immigration!. At the Roman Empire's peak most of its soldiers were non-Romans!.

To avoid possible insurrection in the territories they conquered, legions were made up of men from other lands!. For example, soldiers from the Iberian peninsula would be sent to garrisons in Britain or Germany; Britons would fight and keep order in southern Gaul, and so on!.

Eventually the empire became so large that even with a huge army the Romans could not defend their territories against the ever-increasing number of barbarian tribes who coveted the Empire's wealth!. Tribes considered peaceable or who lacked military power were allowed to settle within Roman territories as a kind of buffer against the warlike ones!. Citizenship was given out more readily, with no requirement that the citizens have a knowledge of Latin or that they live in the Roman style!.

As conditions worsened the Romans pulled their troops out of orderly provinces such as Britain in order to use them against the Germanic tribes!. But a series of invasions by succeeding tribes of Goths, Vandals and Huns met with either weak resistance or even none at all and the Roman Empire fell apart!.

Countries such as the United States, Great Britain and France, to name just three, are currently going through the modern equivalent of the same series of events - no longer battling invaders, but finding their culture irrevocably changed as diverse immigrants move to those countries but adapt only minimally or not at all!. It will be interesting to see what they will be like in 50 or 100 years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There were many reasons!. Roman Empire became so wide, that it was dificult to control!. Barbarians started invading it, and the solution was to divide Roman Empire in two pieces, the Eastern and Western!.
The Eastern, which Constantinopla was the capital, lasted a bit more than the western!. But the increasing power of arabic and otomans causes the final ruin!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's really hard to say!. Maybe around the 3rd century!. Look in this article for a section called "Highlights", which gives dates for different stages of the collapse!.
